What is Objective-C?
Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language closely associated with the development of macOS and iOS and was later acquired by Apple. Until the introduction of Swift, Objective-C was the primary programming language for macOS and iOS applications. Many well-known apps and frameworks were developed in Objective-C, including Core Foundation and Cocoa Touch.
Swift or Objective-C?
Although Swift is now preferred, there are still many existing codebases in Objective-C that need to be maintained and migrated. The Objective-C community remains active, providing support and resources for developers, although many have switched to Swift.
Shortcut Objective-C
Objective-C was long the #1 for macOS and iOS apps and still forms the backbone of many well-known Apple frameworks. Even though Swift has now taken the lead, Objective-C remains relevant - many apps still run on this basis, and the community continues to support them with know-how and resources.
The Core of Apple Development
Objective-C has a long history and has been used successfully for developing macOS and iOS applications.
Objective-C has a long history and has been used successfully for developing macOS and iOS applications.
Due to its close integration with C, Objective-C offers direct access to C libraries and enables high performance.
Due to its close integration with C, Objective-C offers direct access to C libraries and enables high performance.
Objective-C benefits from the rich Apple frameworks like Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, which offer extensive functionalities for development.
Objective-C benefits from the rich Apple frameworks like Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, which offer extensive functionalities for development.
The dynamic nature of Objective-C allows for advanced programming patterns like categories and dynamic typing.
The dynamic nature of Objective-C allows for advanced programming patterns like categories and dynamic typing.
Many existing codebases and projects are written in Objective-C, which supports the maintenance and extension of older applications.
Sample projects with Objective-C
The following are some examples that have been implemented with Objective-C.
Apple's web browser for macOS and iOS was originally developed in Objective-C.
Apple's multimedia software was partially written in Objective-C, especially in older versions.
The integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS and iOS, which developers use to create and debug their apps, uses Objective-C for many of its core components.
UIKit Framework
A core component of iOS app development that provides many user interface components and functionalities was originally developed in Objective-C.
Core Data Framework
The framework for data modeling and storage on Apple platforms uses Objective-C for its APIs and implementations.
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